0013.5 가볍게 정리한 러스트 언어 특징들 🦀
values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are defined
Debug trait and DebugList builder and DebugStruct builder etc
book 읽다가 생각난 것들
- trim
- unit type
- array
- Statements and Expressions
- let 변수 선언만 해도 되나요
- loop label
- Box
- immutable to mutable
- Permission Handling
- static lifetime
- lifetime elision
- Deref trait
- immutable reference is copyable, mutable reference is not copyable
- How to add between different types - rust
- Using the Newtype Pattern to Implement External Traits on External Types
- MIRI - Mid-level Intermediate Representaion Interpreter
different with other languages like c c++